Balamrai,Sappers Lane,Secunderabad
Andhra Pradesh.
RSU DC presents the biggest HIP-HOP festival of Hyderabad CELESTIAL CYPHERS 2013. With the aim to sweep differences and unite the hip hop lovers and artists all over the country, this enthusiastic two day hip-hop festival is being held on the 28th and 29th of
September. Conducted on a national platform, this huge event is open to all the dancers around the country.
DAY 1 :
Date — 28-09-2022
Time — 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue — Gitanjali devshala 154, Balamrai, Sappers Lane,
Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
1) Beat-Boxing Workshop :
Taken by - Jaydeep Hora
Time : 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Registration fee : 300/-
2) DJ-ing Workshop :
Taken by - Panache school of DJ-ing
Time : 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Registration fee : 500/-
3) Dance Workshops :
An amazing experience of learning three styles at one place :
- Breaking
- Old school and
- Housing.
Taken by : BBOY Bunny , Yash Mhatre and Style E
Time : 6:00pm - 9:30pm
Registration fee : 1200/-
DAY 2 :
An Ill series of hip hop and street dance championships will be conducted throughout the day to encourage the hip-hop culture largely.
Date — 29-09-2022
Time — 10:00am - 9:00pm
Venue — Gitanjali devshala 154, Balamrai, Sappers Lane, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Entry fee : 100/-
Registration fee : Solo - 300/-
Crew - 1000/-
1)Break battles :
Judged by - BBOY BUNNY
-TOP ROCK : SEVEN2SMOKE (It’s a battle meant for 8 solo dancers, these dancers clash in quick 1vs1 battles of one round. The winning breaker gets 1 point and remains while the other one joins the end of the line. Then another breaker comes out and has the possibility to beat the previous victor and so it goes on like that for 20 minutes.
There are two ways of taking a Seven2smoke; One is to beat 7 breakers in a row [without losing], and the other way is to be the one with the most wins at the end of the 20 minutes. Breakers bagging the same amount of wins at the end of the battle end up battling each other in a Tiebreak.)
**Preliminary Round: Each dancer gets 45 seconds for the
WINNER - Cash prize 5,000/-
-FOOTWORK : SEVEN2SMOKE (Same rules apply as above)
WINNER - Cash prize 5000/-
-CREW Vs CREW: Depends upon the number of registrations. Might turn into a 3v3 battle. Gear up for both. Information will be provided in advance.
**Preliminary Round: Showcase of 2 minutes
WINNER - Cash prize 10,000/-
2)House battle :
Judged by : Yash Mhatre
One vs One
**Preliminary Round : Each dancer gets 45 seconds for the
WINNER - Cash prize : 3,000/-
3)All styles battle :
Judged by : STYLE E
Two vs Two
**Preliminary Round : Each Duo gets 2 minutes for the
WINNER - Cash prize : 5,000/-
4)Beat-boxing battle :
Judged by : Jaydeep hora
One vs One
**Preliminary Round : Each beatboxer gets 45 seconds for the
**Semi Finals : ACAPELLA (Only the lyrics will be played and the
beatboxer will be judged based upon the creativity he uses
in making his OWN beats to the song)
WINNER - Cash prize : 5,000/-
Want more ???
WINNER - Cash prize 1,000/-
(Per head)