Created: 28th May, 2011
Updated: 27th June, 2011
By: Theme Sector
Email: [email protected]
Thank you for purchasing my theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!
Extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop, in the extracted package you will find file which is the wordpress theme.
You can install the theme in two ways:
FTP: Extract file and upload the extracted folder to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.
WordPress: Navigate to Apperance -> Add New Themes -> Upload page. Select file. Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.
After uploading the theme, you have to activate it. Navigate to Appearence -> Settings page to activate the theme.
IMPORTANT: Backup your old theme folder. Download it to your computer locally.
You can upgrade the theme in a couple of ways:
Extract the file which is downloaded from Package and upload through FTP the extracted folder in wp-content/themes/ folder.
Navigate to Appereance -> Themes page. Activate a different theme. Delete previous version of Avenue and re-upload the file (refer to basic installation) downloaded from package.
In the downloaded package, you will find an upgrade-folder. Upload the entire folder in your wp-content/themes/Avenue folder. Upgrade folder consists of only those files which were changed for the update.
If you are migration from a theme which used the native featured images functionality of WordPress. Please use Regenerate Thumbnails to regenerate thumbnails for Avenue.
The homepage layout is made out of homepage widgets. To enter widgets for the homepage go to Appearance -> Widgets in here you can see the "Homepage" widget area, you can drag 3 different widgets in to this area, "Home 1-Column", "Home 2-Column" and "Home Carousel".
With the 1-Column widget you can choose 1 category
With the 2-Column widget you can choose 2 categories
With the Carousel widget you can choose 1 category
Note: You can use as many homepage widgets as you want
Avenue Theme supports two locations for custom WordPress menus - Top Navigation and Main Navigation. Both of them support 2 levels of dropdown.
To setup the menus, navigate to Apperance -> Menus page. Enter a name for your menu and add links to the menu by using the options given on the left sidebar. You can manage your menus using the drag and drop functionality. After setting up your menu, select the menu you just created from the theme locations dropdown box and hit the "Save" button.
The top navigation is optional and it will not be active until you assign a menu to the top navigation location.
Post formats are a way to define the type of the post. If you are familiar to tumblr, the concept is similar. Avenue Theme uses the Post Formats functionality to show relevant icons across the theme on the thumbnails of a post.
You can set post formats from within WordPress post editor page. Avenue Theme supports three types of post formats:
Featured Posts Slider on homepage depends on WordPress post tags. To setup featured posts slider, navigate to Avenue Theme -> Homepage Settings theme options panel and enter post tags (separated by comma) in the Featured Posts Slider Tags field - posts tagged with the tags in this field will show up on featured posts slider.
From the same page, you can modify the effect and speed between each slide. Speed of featured posts slider is in milliseconds, 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
Avenue Theme has 3 widgetized areas and 9 custom widgets. To setup a widgetized area, navigate to Apperance -> Widgets and use the drag and drop interface to drop widgets into the desired widgetized areas.
This widget allows you to add 1-column recent posts widget to your homepage. The widgets allows you to set widget title, select a specific category and define maximum number of posts.
Excerpt on the main (big) item is optional.
This widget allows you to add 2-column recent posts widget to your homepage. The widgets allows you to set widget title, select a specific category and define maximum number of posts.
Excerpt on the main (big) item is optional.
This widget allows you to add a recent posts carousel widget to your homepage. The widgets allows you to set widget title, select a specific category and define maximum number of posts. Mininum number of posts required for Carousel to work is 3.
This widget grabs number of RSS/feedburner subscribe, number of twitter followers and number of facebook page fans/likes. The widget requires to set feedburner url, twitter id and facebook page id on the Avenue Theme theme options panel. Navigation to Appearence -> Avenue Theme to set the required data - the feedburner ID can be set from General Settings tab, twitter id and facebook id can be set from Social Media sub-tab under the General Settings tab.
Feedburner Awareness API needs to be an active service to grab the number of feedburner subsribers. Login to google feedburner. Navigate to your feed. Click on Publicize tab. From the left sidebar, click on Awareness API . From that page, activate the Awareness API servce. You have to wait for an hour to take changes.
This widget allows you to add a tabbed wiget which will show popular posts (sorted by number of comments), recent comments and a tag cloud.
As the name suggests, it will enable to add a facebook like box for your facebook page.
Avenue Theme posts widget allows you to add recent posts with post thumbnaig (with a post format icon) and overall score. You can even filter it by a category.
Twitter widget will enable you to add recent tweets from your twitter account to a widgetized area. You can customize the number of tweets and the follow me from the widget settings.
Flickr widget will enable you to add recent images uploaded to your flickr account. You can customize the number of images to show from the widget settings.
You can setup review posts by filling in the custom fields under the Review Info box which is located under the post editor. The overall score of the review will show up on all widgets and archives. On the review post, overall score along with the additional criteria fields will show up under a nice review box.
Avenue comes with a custom theme options panel which contains more than 20 options. The panel has 4 tabs, General, Homepage, Posts and Appearance which i will explain about in more details below.
Logo: Upload your own logo or enter the URL to your logo.
Favicon: Upload your own favicon or enter the URL to your favicon.
Header banner code: In this field you can enter your banner code, E.G. an image or adsense code.
Feedburner URL: Enter your Feedburner URL, E.G.
Analytics code: Enter your Google analytics code or whatever site tracking code you are using here.
Twitter ID: Enter your Twitter name here. This will be used for the top header Twitter icon and the social widget.
Footer Text Left: Enter the text you want to appear on the bottom left side of the footer.
Footer Text Right: Enter the text you want to appear on the bottom right side of the footer.
Homepage Style: Select between traditional blog style or the Avenue's native magazine style layout.
Featured Posts Slider Tags: Enter tags you want to appear in the slider. E.G. if you enter the tag "featured" the slider will look for posts with that tag and show them in the slider.
Slider Effect: Choose the slider effect you want the Nivo slider to have.
Slider Speed: Enter transition time for slider in milliseconds, this determines how long each slider item will be shown.
In the posts options you can check/uncheck which elements you want to be shown on the posts.
In the appearance settings you can either choose one of the 12 predifined skins or create your own skin with the colors and patterns you prefer!
Avenue comes with 15 shortcodes which you can use inside your posts or pages.
Youtube shortcode: Enter the video ID (e.g. and the width + height (max. width = 620px)
Vimeo shortcode: Enter the video ID (e.g. and the width + height (max. width = 620px)
Soundclod shortcode: Enter the full URL (e.g. you also have the option to disable comments, set a BG color and more
Button shortcode: You can choose between these colors for your buttons, black, red, blue, orange, green, light. Also enter a link and a title.
Dropcap shortcode: Wrap the first letter in your text with the this shortcode and get a nice dropcap.
Highlight shortcode: Wrap the text you wish to be highlighted with this shortcode and choose a color, black or yellow.
Checklist & Badlist shortcode: This shortcode will create an unordered list with either a check icon or bad icon
Tabs & Toggle shortcodes: With these two shortcodes you can hide content and only let it me shown when the user click the tabs or toggle.
Columns shortcodes: Divide your content in to columns (example:, remember to always set "last=" to yes on the last column.
Avenue comes with 2 custom page templates a full width page and contact page. To set one of these pages up go to Pages > Add New > in here you enter the title, content and then go to the Page Attributes > Template > and choose either full width or contact.
Avenue uses the WordPress Post Thumbnails function, this way you can upload one image and WordPress will automatically resize it to all the different thumbnail sizes. The image you upload should be at least 610x340px.
To set a post thumbnail for your post, go to Posts > Add New > Set Featured Image > the normal upload box will now appear, upload your image and click "Use as featured image", now simply close the box.
Custom.css is located in the root folder of theme. The stylesheet can be used to add modifications to theme.
Avenue comes with 6 PSD files which contains the 6 different logos for each predifined skin.
We've used the following images, icons or other files as listed.
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme.
Theme Sector