The IPC’s archaic Section 377 wins a new detractor in singer/songwriter Suman Sridhar, who released her spunky cover of An Evening In Gay Maharashtra on the dual festive day of Pongal and Makar Sakranti. While the cultural Indian celebrated his festivals diligently, Sridhar chose to make this dedication to subvert Indian law’s acute homophobia. While the original song written by one of Mumbai’s pioneering jazz artists Mina and Naju Kava, didn’t hint at homosexuality. The gay there being happy. Sridhar’s cover video, shot as a one-take experiment by Natasha Mendonca a few months ago with her dressed in a full Koli-woman avatar, clearly has a message.
Suman Sridhar Spends An Evening In Gay Maharashtra
The spunky singer/songwriter’s cover of the folk-sy Jazz song is a message for the homophobic Indian